3 rowsStyle ScreenBar BenQ ScreenBar ereading LED monitor light with autodimming and hueWide field of vision, so you can display the full range of people and objects within your meeting space in crisp video Participants don't have to be tightly packed to fit together on the screen It proves the perfect camera for huddle or small spacesWide Angle of View The DVY21 captures a °
Benq screenbar webcam
Benq screenbar webcam-BenQ Website https//wwwbenqcom/enus/lamps/computerdesklamp/screenbarhtmlAmazon Link https//wwwamazoncom/dp/B076VNFZJG/Hey guys I know this videoWebcam on screenbar plus?

Technical Support Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I was wondering if anyone has tried putting a Logitech C9 webcam on a BenQ Screenbar Plus?The BenQ ScreenBar mixes warmtinted LEDs and cooler LEDs The LEDs themselves are rated at "greater than 80" on the Color Rendering Index That's pretty standard for LEDs today MostSimply put BenQ ScreenBar on your monitor to light up your desk with No Glare This computer monitor lamp combining advanced illumination technology will amaze you We offer free Ground Shipping on all orders
ScreenBar is a revolutionary lighting system Simply hang it on your monitor to light up your desk without taking up any valuable space With automatic dimmeThe BenQ ScreenBar Lite is a portable desk lamp that clips to the screen of a laptop and is powered via USBI've looked everywhere and while it seems to work fine on a normal screenbar, I cannot find whether it works on the plus version
The lamp itself is the much cheaper version of the $99 BenQ one (mine is Baseus and about $25) A nice little addition to the workspace, keeps it nicely illuminated The pics have all the lights in the room turned off and the desk only lit up by the screenbarBenQ offered the upgraded model, the ScreenBar Plus, to me Because my desk doesn't exactly have room for a conventional lamp, or even one of BenQ's excellent but unconventional ones, I said yesAnd, while I'm not quite as over the moon for it as Jason was, it still gets a firm recommendation for anyone who wants a great lamp for their computer desktopThe light from the screen bar does not interfere with the recording of the Logitech webcam either, as it is usually directed downwards and does not radiate upwards So if you are looking for a webcam for your BenQ screenbar, you can take a look at the Logitech Brio Power supply via micro USB directly from the monitor

Otus Led Desk Lamp For Home Office w Bright Monitor Desk Light Bar 31 5 Inch Modern Black Clamp Architect Lamp Led Workbench Office Lighting
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